Taxation of non-profit associations and foundations
The ideal association and the public foundation are the most important legal forms of a sector of society that is today referred to as the "non-profit sector".
The importance of non-profit organization and civic engagement is steadily increasing as the state is less and less able to finance all public expenditures from state funds.
The flip side of the growing importance of the non-profit sector is a special density of regulation and control, which is supposed to ensure that exclusively non-profit purposes are realized in a timely, selfless and direct manner. Legal errors can quickly threaten the existence of the organization. Due to the stormy legal developments, the non-profit status threatens to lose its comprehensible contours for the acting bodies.
Therefore, it is our special concern to support you with all organization-relevant consulting services from one source and to advise you on all tax, legal, economic, organizational and financial aspects.